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Hear From Our Passive Investors

There is peace knowing that through just a couple of successful deals with Disrupt Equity, I’ve been able to pay for or mostly pay for the college education of my kids. That’s pretty special and awesome to think about; it just takes one or two good deals of this caliber to get a good chance of doing that.
Chad C.
Oil and Gas Sales & Disrupt Equity Passive Investor

The investment process with Disrupt Equity is seamless. Disrupt Equity actually got me involved in multifamily, they were the first meetup that i ever went to, and they walked me through the process and answered all my questions and educated me, and helped me understand the investment and how it would work so not enough good things to say about them. My first investment with Disrupt Equity just went full cycle at the end of last year and now i have more money to make another investment with the returns being better than expected.
Amanda L.
Senior Consultant & Disrupt Equity Passive Investor